Overwintered Colonies
However, you can join our waiting list if anything changes.
Overwintered bees will be available for collection in May 2025
On the oil seed
If we’re lucky, each year we bring our overwintered bees to strengthen up before selling. We find it builds up their stores and numbers for the summer.
Overwintered Nuc

These overwintered bees will be hived at the end of the season as a 5/6-frame strong nuc. When you buy an overwintered Poly Nuc you will receive a strong colony of bees with a 2020 Mated Queen.
A couple of the benefits of choosing an overwintered nuc is that they will be.. TREATED FOR VAROA and will have survived a whole winter, meaning they are more likely to survive the next.
The Cardboard Box
If you want to purchase the nuc in a cardboard box, the colony is the same size. The only difference is that you collect them in a cheaper temporary box. The bees will be placed into the box with a taped-up entrance and an air vent in the back. The box is tight enough so that the frames do not shift during transit but in 24hrs these bees need to be moved into a more long term accommodation.
Overwintered Hives

The overwintered hives are overwintered the exact same, in a 6 frame Poly Nuc. However, when they are sold to you they will be moved into a national hive box.
The hive box includes..
Waterproof lid
Crown Board
Weatherproof national brood box
Two clamps on either side
5 extra frames to fill the box
Bees on 6/7 frames (out of 11)
Bees treated for varroa
A mated marked queen from 2021