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About us…

Coolmore Bees started with a second-generation beekeeper who learnt the ways of beekeeping from his mother. Suddenly, when honeybees became scarce, the world needed more breeders. With the varroa introduction to Ireland and the changes in our climate, honeybees needed our help and thus started the rise of…

Coolmore Bees, a family business.

We work together

Now, the small family business involves a father, his wife and their four daughters, all contributing to building the population of honeybees and increasing the knowledge of how to keep them.


This is what we do

We breed bees.

At Coolmore Bees, we prioritise the repopulation of the Native Irish Black honey bee. Each year we will choose our breeders based on the following attributes:

  • Docility: This is our main priority

  • High hygienic levels (ability to see signs of disease and clean it out)

  • Native black bee genetics

  • Good honey production

  • Good laying patterns

For 2034 we will only be taking orders for overwintered colonies. Click here to read more about our overwintered colonies.

We teach.

To the best of our abilities, as beekeepers, not teachers, we want to share our knowledge with others. It’s in everyone’s best interest to make sure honeybees are being cared for correctly and given the best possibility of survival. This is why we have 3 ways of learning available: Online Lessons, E-Book, and Practical Experience.

  1. Online learning

If you can’t take time out of your busy summer to do the practical experience with us, you can learn through video demonstrations coupled with a basic-level theory about honey bees. You can access this course by becoming a member. Once that’s done, you can come back and sign into the website at your leisure and learn about honey bees at your speed and at a time that suits you.

2. Our new book to start beekeeping

If you prefer reading over watching videos, we also have a new e-book, The Practical Beekeeper, launching soon. This book is a guide to starting your journey as a beekeeper. It has tips on ordering bees, swarm control, honey production, overwintering colonies, and even how to set up an apiary.


3. Practical experience

Each year we try to hold practical experiences for aspiring beekeepers, so they can get hands-on experience with bees. Depending on how our season is going and how much help we have, we hold these practical days during June/July. You will get to experience how to:

  • Approach a hive

  • Identify diseases

  • Handle bees

  • Use equipment

  • Move a nuc into a hive

  • Inspect your colony and access its progression

If you would like to be updates on our practical experiences you can fill out the form below.


We sell honey.

Most importantly, we sell honey! Of course we do, and it’s bloody delicious. Here are the stores where you can find our honey in County Cork:

  • Barry Collins Supervalu: Carrigaline

  • Farmshop Marina Market

  • Farmshop Douglas

  • Bakestone Cafe Pantry

  • Centra: Crosshaven

  • Quay Co-Op: Carrigaline & Cork City

  • Here’s Health: Douglas

  • Koko Kinsale: Kinsale

  • Naturally Nourished: Cork City

  • Valley View Farm